My Story
As a young person, I guess I could have been described as shy and reserved, an avid reader loving the school library - borrowing, reading and returning books in quick succession. I enjoyed doing my best and was fairly studious, but also a bit of a daydreamer.
Navigating high school was a different ballgame and something else entirely and it felt like my world was going through a recalibration. Nothing really prepares a child for that huge transition. From my perspective now, I recognise the anxiety I experienced during that transition time. Needing to re-establish friendships, negotiating speaking up for myself, having difficulty sharing what I was managing, not knowing how to communicate that to anyone, not even my parents. I suspect that these experiences from a young age very much shaped my desire to work with children even then.
Later, at age 20 I chose a life path and commitment less travelled by. After eight years and much soul searching and reflection, I made a significant life choice to step away from that path, taking with me the many positives over those years - to charter a new course.
For me the journey to the decision was as much of a teacher as anything else. It was an opportunity to find my voice and connect to that deep intuition that was seeking life, a real spiritual journey to move me on my soul path. Simultaneously, it also became the catalyst for an identity crisis. I was reimagining myself from the ground up, the image of a phoenix rising up from the ashes comes to mind. Letting go of an old version of myself, and creating something new. Who was I? What made me who I was? Where to now? Where do I even start?
Whilst no two life experiences are perfectly identical, I know what it's like to start from scratch, and set about a recalibration, chartering a new path. I know and appreciate the tumultuous feelings involved in such times; grief, doubt, uncertainty and second guessing everything.
I also know and appreciate the freedom of making a decision that was in alignment with my soul and having faith and trust to do so even though I still did not have all the answers in that moment.
Life always provides us with opportunities for change and growth. In my experience it is always easier when we choose it. Those that come out of left field can be quite a bit more challenging to process.
My life experiences have shaped who I am, but do not define me. I believe that in every moment we change and evolve.
Energy rebalancing has always intrigued me having experienced; Reiki, Forensic Healing, Counselling and Kinesiology at different ages and stages in my life. I have found all of them to be beneficial to me in their own unique way.
These modalities have provided me with a sense of coming back to myself, returning to a point of equilibrium and balance. They have given me a renewed awareness of self and have been a catalyst for positive change and transformation in my life.
Indeed, they have been a way of aligning me with my highest self by helping me navigate through beliefs, patterns and behaviours that no longer served me.
I am excited about the opportunity to co-create such transformation with clients for their benefit, alignment and highest good.
I have a passion to work with people at any stage of their personal transformation from; changing old patterns, feeling stuck in the middle of managing a difficult time, seeking to regain self confidence and purpose, or even the desire to work toward a new goal or a project that is life giving.
I am excited and passionate about holding the space and working with clients in a co-creative capacity for their highest good - for those who seek personal growth and positive transformation.

For any enquiries please do not hesitate
to get in touch via email or phone.
+61 472 564 561